Example of the use of ‘PIPE Design Pro®’ in Vietnam
In the country of Viet Nam, sewerage systems are being developed mainly in large cities, with plans to expand to small and medium-sized cities in the future. In addition, large-scale industrial estates and residential properties are being developed by the private sector. On the other hand, the number of human resources to properly manage sewerage projects is limited and knowledge and skills are scarce. This project will contribute to improving the capacity of sewerage planning and implementation in Viet Nam by providing training and project implementation support under the auspices of JICA and the Ministry of Construction of Viet Nam.
Status of implementation and future trends of sewerage development in Vietnam
- Low sewerage treatment rate (Hanoi: 12% (2009); Ho Chi Minh City: 19% (2010)).)
- Insufficient house connections have resulted in wastewater collection only below the capacity of sewage treatment plants.
- The need for house connections will be educated to each municipality in the future.
- The spread of the interceptor system to a complete diversion system is gradually increasing.
- Securing financial resources for sewerage projects and establishing the legal framework, systems and structures to this end are issues.
- ICA yen loan projects and other projects are being/will be implemented in a number of major cities.
In similar projects we have been involved in, all of the local consultant’s engineers in the design of sewerage culverts have used AutoCAD to manually prepare the longitudinal section drawings. We found the following issues with the current work process.
- The design conditions and various formats of the design drawings are not standardised among the various personnel.
- Time-consuming and correction omissions occur when making changes to flow calculations and longitudinal section drawings.
- Design quality and process management is difficult due to the difficulties in checking the above.
Since 2018, Pipe Design Company has been providing training in various parts of Vietnam to solve the above issues by using the PIPE Design Pro® sewer plane longitudinal section design system to improve sewer pipe culvert design techniques.

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