2024-12-16 Overseas TOPICSIntroduction of PIPE Design Pro at the University of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang, Vietnam
2024-09-24 ReleasePIPE Design Pro Version up
2024-09-24 ReleasePIPE Design Pro Version up
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PIPE DESIGN, Inc. provides solutions to all issues related to the design and maintenance of water and sewage systems through our software development technologies.
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2024-09-24 ReleasePIPE Design Pro Version up
2024-09-24 ReleasePIPE Design Pro Version up
2024-07-03 ReleasePIPE Design Pro 18 released
2024-12-16 Overseas TOPICSIntroduction of PIPE Design Pro at the University of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang, Vietnam
2024-03-19 Overseas TOPICSAdoption of PIPE Design Pro at MKI
2024-01-22 Overseas TOPICSAdopted for the JICA, SME and SDGs Business Support Project “Needs Confirmation Survey for the Construction of Sewerage Database for Urban Water Environment improvement in Vietnam” in FY2023
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PIPE Design Pro
PIPE NETWORK, a sewer longitudinal design system, provides an integrated design environment for efficiently processing longitudinal planning, longitudinal calculations, and longitudinal drawings in the planning and implementation design of sewer systems.
※Available only in Japan.
Latest Version
Release Information
2024-04-24 ReleasePIPE NETWORK Version up
2024-04-18 ReleasePIPE NETWORK Version up
2023-09-12 ReleasePIPE NETWORK Version up
New Features
Expansion of longitudinal section format NEWIt is now possible to select the ground line to be used for inserting the ground plane symbols in the longitudinal section drawing, and to select the ground line to be used for the upper and middle drawout criteria. In addition, a button for moving the line of the strip item in the strip setting dialog has been placed to help save labor in the creation of longitudinal profiles.
Simultaneous display of existing and planned ground elevations NEWIt is now possible to indicate both the existing ground elevation and the value from the planned ground elevation in the "covering depth," "excavation depth," and "manhole depth" fields of each strip item on the longitudinal section drawing. This allows for the creation of a longitudinal section drawing area without having to set up two levels of ground elevation band items. It can also be used for municipalities that specify specifications to be written concurrently.
Extension of calculation functions NEWWhen automatically determining main routes and branch routes based on the multiplied area or multiplied equivalent area, the area value of the line in question can now be taken into account. In addition, a function has been added to avoid interference of pressure pipes with underground structures in the same way as natural flow pipes. This function can be expected to further improve work efficiency for various design specifications.
PIPE Design Pro is a CAD system running on AutoCAD and BricsCAD that provides a consistent design environment for efficiently processing the planning of sewer culverts, longitudinal design, longitudinal drawings and flow calculation documentation in the planning and implementation design of sewer pipes.
Latest Version
Release Information
2024-09-24 ReleasePIPE Design Pro Version up
2024-09-24 ReleasePIPE Design Pro Version up
2024-07-03 ReleasePIPE Design Pro 18 released
New Features
Interceptor inflow NEWArea values can now be fixed on longitudinal data. Modifications can be easily made in conjunction with plan data.
Area data NEWArea values can now be fixed on longitudinal data. Modifications can be easily made in conjunction with plan data.
BricsCAD® V21 support NEWBricsCAD® is the CAD platform of choice with a perpetual license that offers a rich array of low-cost, high-performance features.
Support for AutoCAD® 2022 NEWAutoCAD® 2022 can be used in conjunction with PIPE Design Pro to increase the functionality of the platform.
Support for main lines and branch lines NEWIn plan style editing, it is now possible to control the line (span) to be displayed by main route attribute and accumulated area.
Region Object Editing NEWIt is now possible to associate a region with a route (span) that does not exist within the created region (region object).
PIPE VOLC reads data created by PIPE NETWORK or PIPE Design Pro, manages pipe network files, manages district masters, registers construction zones, classifies construction work, and creates quantity calculation sheets on Excel sheets based on design conditions tailored to each municipality's specifications (customization). The calculation function uses Excel formulas and macros.
※Available only in Japan.
Latest Version